
最美麗女星No.2 : Michelle Pfeiffer

沉寂了數年, Michelle Pfeiffer最近又憑《Hairspray》吐氣揚眉, 聽說她演活了"反派"教師一角, 還有說她有機會憑此得到奧斯卡女配角的提名。

今年米雪姐還有愛情喜劇《I Could Never Be Your Woman》 (imdb)及魔幻電影《Stardust》 (imdb)兩片上映, 可謂演藝生藝全面復活。

在這個時候, 又是回顧米雪姐的以往作品時間。以下為自己認為米雪姐的14項最佳演出, 大家最喜歡她的又是那個演出呢?

"Ladies' Choice"MV:Hairspray: Next 好想看電影!
電影觀後感:戀愛大爆發...AN INSTANT CLASSIC !!!
街頭演出:Movie Cast LIVE@New York City
電影票房戀愛大爆髮: 史上最強Musical No.3

John Travolta:最有型男星No.3 : John Travolta
Michelle Pfeiffer:最美麗女星No.2 : Michelle Pfeiffer
Christopher Walken:跳過不停的Christopher Walken
Amanda Bynes:Hottie of the day: Amanda Bynes
James Marsden:James Marsden...不再是情敵
James Marsden:James Marsden...動聽的歌聲
Zac Efron:Hottie of the day: Zac Efron
Allison Janney:久候了的銀幕角色...Allison Janney
Nikki Blonsky:Hottie of the day: Nikki Blonsky

High School Musical:歌舞青春
She’s the Man:球愛可人兒

4 則留言:

匿名 說...

She's one of the most beautiful and talented actress in the world! I'm really happy for her comeback!

Donald Kwan 說...

bond:...and she is not even getting old, amazing!!!

john 說...

Donald, how can you miss "The Story of Us"!!!
It's the ever best harmonical performance of the Michelle and the Bruce!!!

Donald Kwan 說...

JOHN: "The Story of Us"我冇睇過添, 既然你推薦咁我要去找來看看. :D

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