
最美麗女星No.1 : Nicole Kidman

2007年Nicole Kidman有三套新片, 包括 劣評如潮 上映中的科幻驚慄片《The Invasion 無恐不入》, 年尾上映的魔幻特技片《The Golden Compass》, 兩部也是跟當紅型男Daniel Craig合演的(詳細)。對準奧斯卡提名的, 又有《Margot at the Wedding》(imdb)。

過了2001年-2003年的最高峰期, NK近年的作品也水準很不一, 還是期待2008年, 跟《情陷紅磨坊》導演Baz Luhrmann再度合作的戰爭大作《Australia》(imdb)吧。

5 則留言:

匿名 說...

妮歌潔曼的電影看得不多,投票的網友似乎都很喜歡2002年的《The Hours》。撇開妮歌的表現,這齣電影你覺得好看嗎?我想租回來看。

shangri_la 說...

> 半桶水 said...
> 這齣電影你覺得好看嗎?

I enjoy watching "The Hours" but my complaint is that the Virginia Woolf segment is really the weakest link. Obviously the movie is trying to connect the three characters from different period by, among other things, suicide: one is dealing with an ex's suicide, one is thinking of suicide and one eventually committed suicide. Let's forget how depressing it is, my problem with that is there were sixteen years gap between the time Virginia Woolf killed herself and the time she was writing "Mrs. Dalloway" (the time period her segment took place in the movie). To throw in the drowning scene is just a convenient device to stretch a contrived connection among the characters and I can't help but feel cheated that way.

By the way, I have to emphasize that "The Hours" is only a novel, not a biography of Virginia Woolf. The movie depicted her as some kind of isolated woman imprisoned by her husband but in real life she was a member of the Bloombury Group, a group of English artists and writers around WWI who were leading a VERY Bohemian lifestyle. It has been said that Woolf and her husband's marriage is built on mutual respect and understanding. It is hard to believe that either one would be a prisoner to the other in that relationship.

Donald Kwan 說...

半桶水:自己很喜歡"The Hours", 把三個女人的人生, 以一本書來串連起來, 場與場之間的安排, 劇本寫得很好.

除Nicole Kidman外, Meryl Streep Julianne Moore, Ed Harris, Toni Collette也是演得出色的.

不得不留意是Philip Glass的音樂, 貫穿整套電影. 令故事雖然發生於三個年代卻有一氣呵成的感覺.

匿名 說...


Donald Kwan 說...

半桶水:不用客氣呀 :D

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