
皇后駕到‧Cate the Golden Age

原來「皇后駕到‧Cate the Great Her Majesty!」的寫成已是去年9月的事, 不經不意, 等待《Elizabeth》(1998)續篇---《The Golden Age》, 亦差不多一年時間了。美國上映日期為10月(美國), 台灣為1 月, 香港的也應在1、2月的Oscar Season吧。即是說, 還要等待半年左右才能欣賞這電影。

雖然期間看了Cate Blanchett的《Babel》、《The Good German》及《The Notes on the Scandal》三套電影, 但仍是不夠喉, 她演繹的女皇依利沙伯一世太過教人回味無窮了(當然Judi Dench及Helen Mirren的也是非常出色)。

看Trailer, 《The Golden Age》跟前作一樣, 故事的原素仍是包括有愛情絕望權力戰爭奪權造反刺殺.....美術服裝化裝攝影比前作更艷麗奪目, 還有大英帝國跟西班牙無敵艦隊的海上大戰場面。

Cate the Great, 演繹這個傳奇色彩濃厚的角色, 又怎會讓觀眾失望。

合演的有上集也出現過的忠臣Geoffrey Rush, 新加入的又有Clive OwenSamatha Morton。四位不是Oscar Winner也是Oscar Nominee。

以上的CAN"T LOSE CAST, 不成功便成仁。

The Golden Age Trailer

5 則留言:

shangri_la 說...

> 她演繹的女皇依利沙伯一世太過教人回味無窮
> 了(當然Judi Dench及Helen Mirren的也
> 是非常出色)

Don't forget Glenda Jackson. Her portrayal of Queen Elizabeth I in the BBC series "Elizabeth R" is generally considered the *definitive* characterization of the Virgin Queen, trumping everyone including Bette Davis and Flora Robson. She reprised the same role in the movie "Mary, Queen Of Scots", more than holding her own against the very charismatic Vanessa Redgrave's Mary Stuart in that movie

Now retired from movie-making to become a full time politician, got to admire Ms Jackson's disdain of the Academy Awards when she said it is "all glitter on the outside and base metal coming through."

CH Mak 說...

Elizabeth (the original one that Blanchet did) remains one of my favorite movies. Didn't know they're making a sequel, and I find that surprising as well... Not many period films with true historical background get a second serving...

Looking forward to that...

Donald Kwan 說...


ch mak:真的猜不到ELIZABETH也會(能夠/需要)拍續集啊!這其實也顯示了製作人的信心. 真的得期待. :D

匿名 說...

Maybe she will get the golden man finally~~~she is worth to get it long long time ago.....just like Juliann Moore!!!

Donald Kwan 說...

soguff:如果女配角都算的話, CATE都算攞過小金人(THE AVIATOR), 不過佢係影后材料, 實在應該攞攞最佳女主角才是.. :D

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