《叛諜最後通牒》 Part II : 有血有肉配役陣
《The Bourne Ultimatum》(觀後感: Part I : 強勢迫力一場戲)是以連環緊湊感滿載貼合而成的動作片佳作, 這類電影給演員的發揮通常不大, 不過例外如Daniel Craig便演活了新鐡金剛。
Matt Damon的演技功力真的平均來說也不算十分好。憑《Good Will Hunting 驕陽似我》(1997)一鳴驚人後, 《The Talented Mr. Ripley 心計》(1999)中的Tom Ripley是電影史上其中一個心理最複雜的角色, 難度太高演得不好罪不在他, 但其餘的大部份作品也是無甚發揮, 在《無間道風雲》中的簡直是惡劣。
失憶特務, 木口木面經常處於沉思狀況, 再加上強勁敏捷的身手(其實大部份是經剪接後的效果), Jason Bourne已成為Matt Damon自《Good Will Hunting》以來最有神采的角色。
除充滿神采的主角及各突出表現的製作單位外, 《The Bourne Ultimatum》的成功, 靠的還有出色的助演陣容。首兩集有強勁的配角卡士如Chris Cooper, Brian Cox, Clive Owen, Karl Urban(曾演LOTR的Eomer)等, 不過其角色全部已命喪黃泉。今次又有新的一大群出色演員加入。
以下的演員未必能稱得上是演得十分出眾, 但因劇本把各One Dimension的角色也得有血有肉, 就是戲份只有兩三場的, 也能給觀眾留下深刻印象, 尤其是Julia Stiles及Joan Allen。Julia Stiles ... Nicky Parsons
Julia Stiles的角色, 是除Jason Bourne外唯一三集也出現過的角色。首集行行企企毫無發揮;二集主要也是行行企企, 不過多了一場被Jason Bourne脅迫的戲份, 可以發揮一下內心恐懼的演技;到了第三集, 由旁觀者一躍成為Jason Bourne出生入死的拍檔, 而且對白中感情線開始隱約浮現, 可以想像在第四/第五中這個角色的重要性。 Joan Allen ... Pamela Landy
Pamela Landy是另一位不是今集首次登場的角色。Jason Bourne的捕手演變為幫手, Joan Allen在第二集的演出己突出, 至今集角色更立體, Joan Allen每一個眼神姿態也演得很好。OSCAR提名, 可能會因片種關係而被忽略, 但個人的DK AWARD 2007已預了她的一份。 Paddy Considine ... Simon Ross
飾演爆料記者的Paddy Considine, 之前只看過他演《In America》的廿四孝父親感人演出。這電影中他基本中只有三幕戲, 最突出是跟Jason Bourne在Waterloo車站大堂那場緊張會面閃避追蹤場面。角色的結局有點無奈。 Edgar Ramirez ... Paz
Paz這個角色原本是由Gael García Bernal飾演的。拉丁裔的殺手, 識英雄重英雄, 你救我一命, 我放你一條生路。這個殺手不太冷。 Scott Glenn ... CIA Director Ezra Kramer
這角色只有兩三場戲, 其實無甚發揮, 但已是Scott Glenn自《The Silence of the Lambs》Jodie Foster的上司一角以來, 最令人留下深刻印象的角色。 David Strathairn ... CIA Deputy Director Noah Vosen
今集的"大反派"是由《Good Night, and Good Luck》的David Strathairn擔當。一眼神一句話也是戲味, 老戲骨風采盡現。跟前兩集的大反派不同的是, 他不用死。
Albert Finney ... Dr. Albert Hirsch
真正幕後主腦久久未現身, 到結末時Dr. Albert Hirsch才真正向觀眾打過照面, Albert Finney!!! 只是演員的壓場感已迫力四射。
在一部以動作主導的電影, 有這麼強的配角陣容, 不可多得。
觀後感請看Part I : 強勢迫力一場戲
4 則留言:
Paddy Considine是我很欣賞的演員,除了In America, 仲有 Cinderella Man, Hot Fuzz, 但最經典要數24 Hour Party People,趁Tony Wilson的離世, 不妨重溫一下呢。
話時話, 我覺得佢有d似胡楓。
deweyfinntowrite: 24 HOUR PARTY PEOPLE???? 查下先, 不知道有這套戲添 :P......
之前他在IN AMERICA時沒有那麼殘的, 今作可能是為角色而扮得殘一點吧. 劇照中的他又真的修哥FEEL...:P
係啦, 其實佢好young架咋, 好似已經要做中生咁。希望佢可以再遇到一個In America咁嘅戲, 幫佢一把,我覺得佢可以走Gary Oldman路線。
Finally watched the movie. As usual I wait until all the hype and backlash died down before watching it
> Julia Stiles ... Nicky Parsons
> 由旁觀者一躍成為Jason Bourne出生死
> 的 拍檔, 而且對白中感情線開始隱約浮
> 現, 可以 想像在第四/第五中這個角色的
> 重要性
Actually I found the romantic subplot between Nicky Parsons and Jason Bourne rather cheesy. She works for the CIA and she knew what would get herself into by helping him so whatever happened between them must be unforgettable to the epic proportion. It is fine if the movie wants to be ambiguous about it but if Nicky didn't help Jason in Supremacy, why would she sacrifice everything to help him now? For a movie try so hard with its continuity, this is one big oversight. But I am always partial to Julia Stiles, there is a certain toughness in all her performance, that Ivy League intelligence (she went to Columbia, I think) always permeates.
The thing strikes me the most about the Bourne series is how increasingly cynical toward the government it becomes as the series progresses (and this is one major difference between Bond and Bourne), no doubt it reflects the public sentiment toward the war in US. However, what the movie didn't cover is Jason's responsibility in the whole operation: by the end of Ultimatum (presumably David has recalled all his memories), nothing he found out is something he didn't know when he signed up for it. You can argue that the CIA trained him to be a killing machine but that is something he volunteered for. If he has buyer remorse, that is his own undoing and certainly he has no right to be high and mighty about Dr. Hirsch. While the operation is inhuman, there is no indication in the movies that the people Bourne killed are NOT a threat to the nation's security. So the argument that the CIA misled him (as in War) doesn't apply here.
One more thing, while it isn't a crime to create the suspense that Bourne might have been killed at the end, it is a mistake to choose Vosen as the one to shoot him. At that point Vosen is already well aware that his cover has been blown, killing Bourne wouldn't do him any good, if not hurting. Rather the director could have just one of the agents do the deed.