
最美麗女星 No.8 : Julia Roberts

Tom Hanks, Gary Marshall, Bruce Willis, Macia Gay Harden, Natalie Portman, Shirley MacLaine, Sally Field, Denzel Washington, Blair Underwood, David Letterman, Richard Gere, George Clooney...... 以上荷里活celebrities均有在上週五舉行的第22屆American Cinematheque Award頒獎台上(或預錄)向當晚大獎得獎者Julia Roberts作出介紹及致敬。

謝過全村人及大會後, Julia Roberts在致謝詞上說到: "more than anything I'm just the most proud wife and mother to three beautiful children." ......對呀, 即將40的Julia Roberts已是三子之母, 但她還可以在跟Tom Hanks合演的新作《Charlie Wilson's War》穿三點式比堅尼, 而效果仍是很一流啊!

Charlie Wilson's War Trailer

愛上Julia Roberts是她奧斯卡提名、金球獎得獎的《Steel Magnolias》, 不久之後她便成為風月俏佳人大紅大紫。她的全盛時期, 可以說是1997年《My Best Friend's Wedding》翻生後的那數年, 《Stepmon》、《Notting Hill》、《Runaway Bride》、《Erin Brockovich》連環數作超級賣座兼贏得奧斯卡。當年Entertainment Weekly的其中一期以她作封面, 標題是"You Completed Us!" , 內文中又對她說: "You keep on smiling, we keep on buying." ...... 當年這位American Sweetheart風頭無人能及。

近年已上了神枱養尊處優的Julia Roberts, 2005年打孖誕下兩件, 今年又產下一件後又再全面復歸。除了Oscar Hopeful《Charlie Wilson's War》外, 08年還有《Fireflies in the Garden》(imdb)及《The Friday Night Knitting Club》(imdb)。

You keep on smiling , we keep on buying!

5 則留言:

匿名 說...

Hi Donald,
Could you please to give a post for Meryl Streep on The Most Beautiful Star session. Thx!

匿名 說...

嗯~~~~!!!當年看完NOTTING HILL真的愛死她了~~~~看了4,5次呢~~~~~回歸實在是大喜訊喔~~!!!>.<

Donald Kwan 說...


No problem, Meryl Streep is surely on my schedule!!! :D


Notting Hill真係得JR做得嚟, 其他人做都散發唔到那陣巨星味... :D

匿名 說...

由pretty woman開始,有她演的戲,九成以上都會進場支持,連cable tv重播她的影片,也會看多幾遍,她演的戲通常睇得人好舒服,她的presentation也很討好;)

CH Mak 說...

Agreed completely with the above comments. I'd usually watch and watch her movies again and again whenever they're shown on TV.

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