《強復者》:喜歡Jodie Foster的還是要看
在90年代以至2000年代上半, Jodie Foster(最美麗女星 No.7)單人匹馬也是有足夠票房號召力的, 不過她的新作《The Brave One 強復者》卻失去了這個魔法了, 在美國香港同是曾經票房No.1, 但實際數字可說是強差人意, 亦缺乏持久耐力, 下滑幅度奇快......
那電影出了問題嗎? 是那濃黃色的宣傳Poster惹的禍? 還是Jodie Foster的魅力已減退?
宣傳海報確是毫無吸引力, 有朋友就是不想看男人婆開槍打交而拒絕同行觀看。那電影本身呢? 故事是說紐約一名電台DJ Erica, 因丈夫在一次刧殺案中命亡, 自己亦遭毒打重傷昏迷三星期。身體是慢慢的康復, 心裡的創傷卻久久無法痊癒, 又因感覺到紐約警方沒有能力保護自己, 恐懼已變得無法忍受, 唯有自力挺身對抗這種恐懼。只要手握著手槍, 就能保護自己。
李安在《色‧戒》中用了三場床戲去交待男女主角相互之間感情的層面變化, 《強復者》導演Neil Jordan, 用了同樣的電影語法(當然前者高明得多了), 以三場開槍戲的情景不同來表達女主角由被逼至無奈至理所當然的開槍殺壞人, 以至後來的替天行道場面出現。
Neil Jordan拍過的名片也不少, Mona Lisa (1986), High Spirits (1988), We're No Angels (1989), The Crying Game (1992), Interview with the Vampire (1994), Michael Collins (1996), The End of the Affair (1999), Breakfast on Pluto (2005)...... 除了《The Crying Game 哭泣的遊戲》外, 他其他作品我也只覺還可以, 沒有什麼經典代表作, 而《強復者》亦貫徹他的作風, 看時不悶卻在導技上或是電影整體又沒有什麼特別令人深刻成績中等還可以之類.......
1957年也有另一部電影名字叫《The Brave One》(imdb), 不過故事完全不一樣的。
演員方面, 除Jodie Foster外, 只有Terrence Howard的戲份較重。演Jodie Foster的"紅顏知己"Detective Mercer, 最後雖像天使般救了女主角出火海, 但整體演技發揮不大。
所以, 看《強復者》, 還是看Jodie Foster的由頭至尾show-off, 一個受了傷的女性, 一步又一步的站起來, 又一步一步的差點自毁。這可她算10年前《Contact》以來的最佳演出, 喜歡她的還是要看的。
《The Brave One》總評分
最美麗女星No.7 : Jodie Foster
8 則留言:
Jodie Foster其實也算是殿堂級了, 既有演技力亦夠號召力令電影開畫叫座, 沒有太多女演員可以做到 ...... 喜歡她的, 這部也是要看的 ......
I think JF fans will enjoy very much of this movie.
Not that I don't enjoy Foster's performance, but I do get tired of seeing her always being such a strong and independent woman on a mission to beat the bad guys. She almost seems too tough to be casted in roles otherwise. And I do like seeing actors taking non-starring roles once in a while. But no, she always headlines and doesn't seem to do ensemble casts. You can almost be certain that she is sort of like the characters she play on the big screen... But then, being a 2-time Oscar winner and an accomplished director... that's how she should carry on, I guess...
ch mak:
我都覺得係呀, JF係做得好, 但都有少少悶啦, 又係咁剛硬0既角色....
其實JF的戲路都有啲局限, 因為佢唔可以做非知識份子, 會好格格不入, 蠢的角色也不能, "Panic Room"0既佢就太蠢了, 說服力好低... :p
I like a comment I heard about "Panic Room":
The plot was just DUMB.
CH Mak:
"蠢贼遇上蠢屋主", wow, 好貼題呀, 哈哈!
I just watched "The Brave One" last night. The movie isn't too bad (but not great either) except Mercer's change of stance at the end is most unconvincing. But this kind of movie (downbeat story, dreary setting, and above all, a woman as the aggressor) will always be a hard sell even if it was great, so I wouldn't exactly say it is a box office disappointment.
I'm glad you mentioned 'The Brave One' from 1956. It was a fond but vague childhood memory of mine. I watched that movie when I was a kid growing up in Macau. I remember very little of it except the scene where the mother cow was killed by lightning and the scene where the boy's hat got blown away when he was riding a moped to bullfighting arena to save his pet bull. For years I wasn't able to locate this movie because I didn't know the name and there is no major star in it. It was only until I moved to Boston and accidentally came across it in a laser disc store about ten years ago. I rented it to watch it again after so many years and it is still a great movie for children. Reportedly the child actor is now one the richest men in England.
One final note, if you got the chance, rent the movie "Wait Until Dark" by Audrey Hepburn and you might find it interesting to compare that with "The Panic Room"