
OSCAR 2008 : 阿森 vs 大鼠

得到網友KENJI CHAN的提醒, 啟發了我以下的事。

2007年雖然還有4個月才結束, 而按照慣例, 一眾OSCAR最佳電影及男女主角的熱門猛片應該還未上映的, 只是一些技術獎項的有力角逐者卻已陸續登場。

《變型金剛 Transformers》若毫無意外的話會奪取Best Sound, Best Sound Effects Editing及Best Visual Effects三獎外(也不會有其他獎的了...), 最佳動畫長片獎也開始有點眉目。最終的得獎者, 應會落在《五星級大鼠 Ratatouille》《阿森一族大電影 The Simpsons Movie》兩片之爭。





Entertainment Weekly(Readers)

Entertainment Weekly(Critics Average)

HK Magazine


平均來說, 也是《五星級大鼠》的評價高一點, 且看OSCAR 2008 For Your Consideration旳宣傳戰鬥得如何吧。

6 則留言:

匿名 說...

Wow... very well organised. I love your blog so much! People can vote and discuss movies here. I personally prefer Rat to Sim because of its hammering messages (dream, evolution, family, critics, Pixar), stunning visuals and creative plot. After all, Simpsons may offend Christians and it is not suitable for children. So the Oscar may go to Rat! Anyway, a great blog! Should promote more haha!

匿名 說...

btw, where do you find the poster???????? really wanna know!

Donald Kwan 說...


Wow...thanks for your nice comments about this blog, I think yours is great too!

I love both RAT and SIM, just like SIM a little bit more, will be happy with any one of them get the Oscars. Besides Best Animated Feature, I think it would be nice if both films got more nomination(s), just like RAT for Original Song, or SIM for Adapted Screenplay, etc.

About the poster on this post, actually it was made by myself, just for fun. Anyway, you can take it if you like.

匿名 說...

How talented!!!

匿名 說...

a little typo..

The Last "Dog" in Rwanda

nice blog by the way :)

Donald Kwan 說...

匿名: 唔該晒, 已改了.

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