
下世紀再嬉戲...... The Talented Mr. Minghella

懷念Anthony Minghella, 又怎可不重温1999年的《心計 The Talented Mr. Ripley》

電影宣傳劇照當年首次發表時, Matt Damon剛憑兩大賣座猛片《Good Will Hunting》及《Saving Private Ryan》極速上位;

Gwyneth Paltrow憑《Sliding Doors》及《A Perfect Murder》成火熱新星, 更是《Shakespeare in Love》的剛出爐影后;

Cate Blanchett在《Elizabeth》演技魅力爆發, 失落奧斯卡仍環球驚艷;

Jude Law在已是四位主角中當年最弱的cast, 他備受注目的前料只有《Gattaca》的未來世界拐腳精英......

其實演員陣容還有在大量影評人大讚賞電影如《Happiness》等大演小角色的Philip Seymor Hoffman…..

當年自己在日記上形容此演員陣容為The Most Beautiful Casting EVER。今天再想, 我仍是會以這句說話來形容她。

漂亮的演員, 奇情的故事, 攝人的音樂...... 世紀末Classic……

4 則留言:

Arohamibo 說...


Donald Kwan 說...


原來我喜歡的程度也不弱, 有DVD又有VCD添呀 :D

shangri_la 說...

> Donald Kwan 提到...
> 原來我喜歡的程度也不弱, 有DVD又有VCD
>添呀 :D

Have you watched the original, Plein Soleil? It was the movie that made Alain Delon an international star. His then fiancée, Romy Schneider, had a cameo at the beginning of the movie also.

While I like "TTMR" added the bit where Matt Damon's character being mistaken as the pianist when he was actually the usher (which sets him up in the career as an imposter), I find the ending of the original lot more ironic.

Donald Kwan 說...

shangri la

我有睇過Plein Soleil呀, 阿倫狄龍型爆!

個人也喜歡"TTMR"多一點, 角色及人物心理舖排的衝突性寫得高明一點, 整體製作及全體演員的魅力也強很多... :D

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