《五星級大鼠》: 慢火煮成美味濃湯
《Ratatouille 五星級大鼠》是PIXAR/DISNEY的第8套長篇動畫, 美國影評觀一致好(根據Entertainment Weekly及rottentomatoes.com), 是2007暑假所有猛片平均評價最佳的電影。收益方面, 1億多美元的票房當然可以稱為賣座, 但卻不是《Finding Nemo 海底奇兵》、《The Incredibles 超人特工隊》、《Monsters, Inc. 怪獸公司》等的Smash Hit受歡迎, 甚至比去年的《Cars 反斗車王》也有所不及。
原因之一可能是, 今暑假年猛片如雲, 《變型金剛》、《The Simpsons》及一連串的續篇電影每一套也賣過滿堂紅, 分薄了票房;其二可能是, 會說話的老鼠、動物跟人類建立友誼、有志者是竟成、任何人也能成功......這些題材隨處可拾, 不能引起觀眾太大興趣。
新意真的欠奉, 電影卻是可愛。
由曾導演《The Incredibles》的Brad Bird執導。今作跟前作一樣, 所有視覺上的效果也是以劇情為依歸, 沒有絲亮賣弄。新作畫技術方面, 似乎沒有特別新的, 只是把 《Monsters, Inc.》Sulley的毛髮技術再次運用於老鼠仔Remy身上;《Finding Nemo》的海浪效果用於地下水渠的急流上;《Cars》的金屬反光效果, 應用於廚房器具上......
沒有新點子不代表不好。畫功的仔細、顏色的運用、角色人物的靈活度及流暢度......無論在各類型動畫類別中, 《Ratatouille》在畫面上的美麗是地球最頂級的作畫水準。
電影處處能引發狂笑聲(尤其是食環署職員龐比度Pompidou及大廚Skinner被群鼠五花大綑的兩幕. ,一絶!), 故事發展偶有點驚喜, 整體則有點歐洲大陸懶洋洋的感覺, 尤其是前半部。整體要到了萬鼠出動廚房大作戰打後才進入高潮。有點用一整天慢火煲成晚餐的一碗美味法式雜菜湯的感覺。
人物角色中, 也沒有那一位是很特出的, 老鼠仔Remy表情舉手舞足也很可愛, 兼有性格, 設計得不俗的角色。
另外很喜歡食評家Anton Ego的角色, 由奧斯卡8提名0勝出的老牌巨星Peter O'Toole配音。吃過老鼠仔Remy指導下的"鼠跳牆 Ratatouille", 內心被溶化而寫下的食評, 便是教人非常感心的一篇獨白文章。
儘管真的不能跟PIXAR昔日的經典作相比, 仍有不少地方是很值得Special Mention的, 就如法語主唱的主題曲"Le Festin"(按此試聽)便是很動聽的一首歌, 由《The Incredibles》及今作的配樂大師Michael Giacchino編寫, 法國女歌手Camille主唱。在電影結束時播出, 把電影作了一個總回憶, 添加了不少分數。
最後, 很想把Anton Ego的那篇感人的食評記錄下來......因每想到那一幕, 心裡不其然又會悸動。
Ratatouille, 齒甲留香。

Anton Ego: In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face is that, in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. Last night, I experienced something new, an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source. To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core. In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau's famous motto: Anyone can cook. But I realize that only now do I truly understand what he meant. Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere. It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking at Gusteau's, who is, in this critic's opinion, nothing less than the finest chef in France. I will be returning to Gusteau's soon, hungry for more.



Ben Ben光影雜誌: 實在太可愛 - 《五星級大鼠》 Ratatouille
4 則留言:
arohamibo--- er....你咁樣令我好有壓力喎! :P
PINOCCHIO---也不俗的, 自己覺得不及PIXAR的某些經典, 但亦有朋友覺得比"The Incredibles"好看及緊湊. 各花入各眼.