43年前的Darling......茱莉姬絲蒂(Julie Christie)
很多朋友都對今屆憑《Away From Her》奪得金球影后, 亦是奧斯卡最佳女主角大熱的茱莉姬絲蒂(Julie Christie)不太熟識, 不過若說她就是經典1965年經典史詩式浪漫電影《齊瓦哥醫生 Doctor Zhivago》的女主角, 未看過此片的朋友也自會發出"吖..."一聲的茅塞頓開。
1965年的同年, 茱莉姬絲蒂亦憑另一部電影《Darling》打敗同名不同姓的強勁對手《仙樂飄飄處處聞 The Sound of Music》的茱莉安德絲Julie Andrews, 年紀輕輕24便成為奧斯卡影后。
數年前看過《Darling》 , 導演John Schlesinger(Midnight Cowboy/Sunday Bloody Sunday)拍攝手法非常新浪潮, 茱莉姬絲蒂情緒高漲百變的演出令人嘆為觀止。
以下是《Darling》的trailer......能接受60/70年代歐洲新浪潮手法的朋友, 電影是值得一看再看的。
2 則留言:
The thing I remember the most in 《Darling》 is when Dirk Bogarde interviewed a Londonder about what he thought is the problem facing England, the interviewee said “there are too many homosexuals running in the street”. :-) By the way, Julie Christie was almost barred from receiving her statuette on stage when she won her Oscar for《Darling》because the skirt she was wearing was considered too short and risqué for TV censorship
Julie Christie was part of the British Invasion during the 60s, a time when almost anything from England was considered hip: The Beatles, miniskirts, mod fad, Twiggy, James Bond, The Rolling Stones, kitchen sink drama… etc. 《Doctor Zhivago》 is of course Julie Christie’s most famous movie but that probably was her least typical 60s movie because the 60s was a time that saw the decline of Hollywood and the assault of conventionalism from all fronts. It was at this time that New Wave/Nouveau Rogue reigned supreme.
Among her other earlier movies, my favorite is 《Fahrenheit 451》. Adapted from a Ray Bradbury’s novel, it is about a big-brotherish society in the not so distant future where the job of firemen is not to put out fire but to burn book. Although it was not considered one of his best, 《Fahrenheit 451》 is the only English-speaking movie directed by the French great Francois Truffaut. The most interesting part of the movie is that Julie Christie played a dual role – the wife of the protagonist fireman and a book-loving girl who eventually persuaded him to revolt. It is interesting because in the book, the two characters are not at the same age (one is only a child who disappeared half-way in the novel) and they don’t resemble each other at all but I found that to be quite an intelligent change.
Julie Christie 6,70年代最多產. 同Warren Beatty合作亦有火花, 因為當時大定Fallin' in love. Julie Christie 都幾持平, 即使同Warren Beatty分手咁滯, Warren Beatty籌備Reds (亂世情天, 唔係Cold Mountain!), 佢都建議搵另一個女演員, 因為自己國籍唔岩feel. 所以Warren Beatty搵左Diane Keaton, 第N個女朋友...
Dirk Borgarde雖然係同志, 但有型到震. Lawrence Harvey即係The Manchurian Candidate男主角.一樣有型有格, 可惜早逝. Harvey個獨生女Domino大個左本來做Ford模特兒, 竟然走左去做賞金獵人. Tony Scott就搵左Keire Knightley渣槍, 拍左套"Domino". 但上映前Domino Harvey因毒癮問題去世.