Oscar 2007賽果最終並沒有出現四分五裂的局面, 最佳影片由"無間道風雲"奪得, 連同最佳導演Martin Scorsese, 最佳改編劇本及最佳剪接合共四個獎, 即除了演員外, 構成一部"最佳電影"的三個主要因素亦齊備, 總好過"陽光小小姐"(只得到原著劇本, 男配角)或"巴別塔"(只在原作音樂獎中勝出)贏得最佳電影, 那會顯得非常甩甩漏漏分豬肉(雖然個人喜愛後兩者較多....)。
Finally!!!! Martin Scorsese, An Oscar Winning Director! 我在家中觀看直播時也興奮得站立鼓掌!
得獎結果沒有太大爆冷, 不是大熱便是次熱勝出。我在20個獎項中估中了13個, 跟往常不多, 也是三分之二左右。四位得獎演員中只有Alan Arkin(最右)是從次熱門位置中勝出, 打敗了較熱門的Eddie Murphy(電影公司竟然在大會投票期間推出Eddie Murphy的爛片"Norbit", 認真失策!)。
今年節目在時間上控制較早數年好, 沒有太多悶場(除了Celion Dion的無厘頭又關佢事歌唱表演是全晚悶場之最!), Ellen DeGeneres首次擔大旗不斷換衫妙趣橫生, 連爛gag也好笑。多次跑到台下與嘉賓交流更是神來之筆, 尤其是跟Martin Scorsese及Clint Eastwood的兩段。
今年的開場主題是"Celebrate the Nominees", 長五分鐘的片段, 讓台前幕後大部份提名人可以說一兩句, 扮個鬼臉, 向母親說聲多謝......再讓他們站著讓全場觀眾為他們歡呼.........多了一份尊重及鼓勵。
Al Gore(下)的出現及"絕望真相"所得到的最佳紀錄長片及由Melissa Etheridge(上)寫作及主唱的最佳原創歌曲"I Need to Wake Up" , 對世界的未來很重要, 明年的年初一會否仍是穿著短袖衫, 便看這電影能否喚起人們對地球溫化的關注。Al Gore當年失去當總統的機會焉知非福, 在世人心中的地位已遠比當年競選對手的小布殊高出數百倍。
"Dreamgirls"三首提名歌曲雖全部敗北, 但Jennifer Hudson, Beyonce Knowles, Anika Noni Rose及Keith Robinson合力把"夢幻女郎"舞台魅力再現, 是全晚高潮之一......Jennifer Hudson不單贏了最佳女配角, 還証明了一顆巨星已誕生。
"Helen Mirren and Oscar will Come Home With Me!".......Will Farrell, Jack Black及John C. Reilly三位喜劇演員合力道出"喜劇"一向不是奧斯卡大會的那杯茶, 但靠著堅持及努力, 奧斯卡及海倫美蘭也始終會得手。Very Funny!
最有趣的頒獎嘉賓, 相信也是頒發最佳服裝設計的Anne Hathaway及Emily Blunt, 跟觀眾席上的Meryl Streep合力再次合作把穿PRADA的惡魔帶來會場, 一絕!!!
介紹最佳服裝設計的提名人, 今年以真人穿上該電影的戲服。我覺得頗有新意, 但一般的評價就多是SO SO......
最美麗的一對頒獎嘉賓Daniel Craig及Nicole Kidman, 但毫無火花!
Hugh Jackman及Penelope Cruz也很漂亮, 這一對有點幽默感!

"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Queen!!"----Helen Mirren憑"英女皇"伊利莎伯二世這個角色第9,764次登上影后寶座, 實至名歸又眾望所歸。她亦是全晚最漂亮的女演員。

最美的晚裝得主是......Penelope Cruz!

最可愛晚裝得主是......Abigail Breslin!

菊地凜子的英語處於只懂說"Hello"與"Thank You"的程度, 所以整晚由紅地壇開始基本上也沒有機會表達一下自己感受(相信在日本傳媒前又是另一番境象)。不打緊, 這個提名已對妳的演藝事業起著莫大幫助(章子怡於"卧虎藏龍"在Oscar2001大發雄威時也是不懂半句英語....)!
攝影機的鏡頭最多集中於整晚最漂亮的兩位男演員, Leonardo DiCaprio及Mark Wahlberg身上, Charming!!!
平均的說, Oscar 2007是好看的(從不覺Oscar是不好看, 只有看得沉悶與興奮的分別), 而且不用像去年因"斷背山"的落敗而帶著飲恨歡送這個季節。
The Oscars goes to....
Best Picture: The Departed
Best Director: Martin Scorsese, The Departed
(可以安心了, 很怕這個獎項會爆冷給...又是奇連依士活)
Best Actor: Forest Whitaker, The Last King of Scotland
Best Actress: Helen Mirren, The Queen
Best Editing: The Departed
Best Original Song - I Need to Wake Up, Inconvenient Truth!!!
Best Original Screenplay - Little Miss Sunshine
Best Original Score- Babel...不用空手而回, 很好!
Documentary - An Inconvenient Truth
Documentary Short - The Blood of Yingzhou District
Best Supporting Actress - Jennifer Hudson, Dreamgirls .... 巨星誕生!
Foreign Language Film - The Lives of Others(德國)...YES!YES!YES!
Visuals Effects - Pirates of Carribean II
Best Cinematography: Pan's Labyrinth
Best Costume Design: Marie Antoinette
Best Adapted Screenplay: The Departed
Best Animated Feature: Happy Feet
Best Supporting Actor: Alan Arkin, Little Miss Sunshine
Sound Mixing: Dreamgirls
Sound Editing: Letters from Iwo Jima
Live Action Short: West Bank Story
Best Animated Short: The Danish Poet
Makeup: Pan's Labyrinth
Art Direction: Pan's Labyrinth
10 則留言:
Leo當然不錯,我較喜歡Djimon Honsou
剛看完明珠台, 女司儀都做得幾好噃. 不過我始終喜歡Billy Crystal.
Djimon Honsou確是有型, 我看完Blood Diamond後開始喜歡他. 有型的還有Daniel Craig及Hugh Jackman.
我最初以為最靚的女性必是Penelope Cruz, 但她當天好像皮膚缺水般, 個人好DRY!!!
Ellen DeGeneres不煴不火, 輕輕鬆鬆很好, 自製個人爛gag, 不用單是開出席明星玩笑....
觀看18年, 個人最喜歡的主持也是Billy Crystal(心到拿來即成gag)及Whoopi Goldberg(不文成分gag成籮), 最討厭Chris Rock, 好嘈!
估唔到 The departed 攞咁多奬,同你一樣,我都幾鐘意 Babel ,想佢攞 best picture
Just a Note,
都不打緊啦, "巴別塔"輸了不會令她的fans熱情減退, 但贏了卻會令憎她的影友更憎她.所以我都頗okay這個賽果, 只要不是Little Miss Sunshine便okay(不要誤會, 我很喜歡LMS, 只是我接受不了BABEL輪給LMS, 但輸給THE DEPARTE我還可以接受).
THE DEPARTED對我們已先入為主的大中華區觀眾來說是普通了一點, 但選的大部份是美國人, 連原作來自日本還是香港也搞錯(亦不關心). 無間道的故事本身是傑作, 無可厚非.
不計歌藝演技, 作為一個"人", 我是非常欣賞劉德華.
永遠的熱心, 努力及付出, 我很欣賞他的"人".
If you have watched The Departed, you should know that the background of the story has moved from Hong Kong to Boston, which is where I am currently residing. The rooftop scene where DiCaprio confronted Damon at the end was actually filmed above the office where I worked (although I hadn't joined the company at the time). I was told that scene took an entire day to shoot and you can hear they are shouting at each other the whole day. Some of my co-workers event got to take pictures with Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon.
嘩!咁厲害...我都想同Leo合照, Matt Damon就...都好過無....
多謝你寄來的照片, 忘了回覆你, 不好意思, 我喜歡.
我還未看"Layer Cake", 你看了沒有?
今屆Oscar的賽果, 滿意嗎?
I usually prefer watching old movies because I think you can't get an unbiased opinion when there are still so much hype/backlash on the current movies. I've watched The Departed only because my company paid for the tickets as a company outing, for the obvious reason. In fact when the movie was released in Oct last year we joked there are Oscar buzz for the movie to win the best supporting "building" award
I probably will catch up all the nominated movies in a few years so it is not for me to comment on the results now. Having said that, I'm glad that Forest Whitaker won because a few years ago when "Waiting To Exhale", a movie he directed, was shut out of nomination, many African Americans felt snubbed, particularly in the music categories. While "Waiting To Exhale" was not favorably reviewed by the critics, its commercial success was a major milestone for black filmmakers in Hollywood because for the first time a non-gang related movie that targeted primarily at the African American market managed to cross-over to the mainstream and opened the door for subsequent hits like "Soul Food" and "Barbershop".
Even with an Oscar, it is unlikely that Forest Whitaker will become a major star but it is guaranteed that he won't be just a dim footnote in movie history.