
Hottie of the day: Maggie Gyllenhaal

唉~ 無論網上或身邊的朋友, 不少人在看完《The Dark Knight 蝙蝠俠-黑夜之神》(觀後感)後, 其中一個反應也說女主角很"醜", 其中一個朋友說她的容貌醜得好像"正在溶化"......


可能我看Maggie Gyllenhaal的演出已有一段時間, 已習慣了, 只覺她不算漂亮, 但又未到"醜"的地步... 而且我認為她演Rachel, 在有限發揮之下也演得不俗。第二次看《TDK》, 當劇情發展至她跟Harvey Dent分別被困兩大油桶陣時, 心裡確是有點酸痛......

身為《斷背山》Jake Gyllenhaal的親姊姊, 弟弟已算是荷里活半個一線男演員, 作為演技派的Maggie除了在2002年辦公室S&M電影《Secretary》中引起注目, 奪得芝加哥、俄亥俄影評人協會的最佳女主角後, 往後其他作品雖沒有太大迴響。事實上, 有部份也不俗的。

如2005年的《SherryBaby》, 也得到金球獎女主角的提名...... 不過我沒有看過......

又如《Stranger Than Fiction》, 演公民抗命逃稅的女侍應, 跟查稅員發展了奇異的一段情, 也很妙趣......

《TDK》會為Maggie的未來發展帶來多少機遇很難預測, 個人則認為以她的才華, 是值得有更高認知的成就的。而她的下一部作品, 是《American Beauty》導演Sam Mendes的喜劇《Farlanders》......

-35mm版: 《The Dark Knight 蝙蝠俠-黑夜之神》: 破BLOG紀錄的99分!
-IMAX版: 《The Dark Knight - The IMAX Experience》: 再破BLOG紀錄的105分!!!

-最有型男星No.14: Heath Ledger
-最有型男星No.15: Christian Bale
-Hottie of the day: Aaron Eckhart
-Hottie of the day: Maggie Gyllenhaal
-No Country for Young Men: Michael Caine
-No Country for Young Men: Morgan Freeman
-No Country for Young Men: Gary Oldman

-"The Dark Knight"---IMDB史上最高評分電影第4位!!!

15 則留言:

shangri_la 說...
shangri_la 說...

Attractive or not, anyone replacing Katie Holmes is an improvement. When I finally caught Batman Begin two years after it was released, I had totally forgotten Holmes was in it, and then I was reminded why I avoided the movie for so long. By the way, along with Natalie Portman, Anna Paquin and Julia Stiles, Maggie Gyllenhaal is part of a new pack of Ivy League actresses in Hollywood. As elitism as it might be, that does give her a certain touch of class.

So far Maggie in US was mostly famous (or should I say notorious) for her speech a few years ago that US was partially responsible for 9/11, which drew so much criticism that her blog had to be shutdown. So I am "glad" to see that Hong Kong actually was just following the footsteps of America in the rise of nationalism over the Olympics protests

匿名 說...

我都忘了她演過"Stranger Than Fiction"了哩!

Donald Kwan 說...


其實很多說她醜的人, 也不知她是何許人, 就如當年Kristen Dunst做蜘蛛俠的女友MJ, 也有很多人說她醜... 也是因為不太認識KD過往的作品罷了..

Donald Kwan 說...


對呀, 所以我就沒有覺得她醜啦, 因為她一向也不是賣她的樣子, 演出討好才是重要嘛...

Agnes Tse 說...

Maggie Gyllenhaal樣子不美, 但演技不錯, 她的Secretary和James Spader聯合起來, 簡直殺死人啊!

Donald Kwan 說...


諗諗下, Maggie Gyllenhaal嗰樣有啲似STAR WARS年代-年青時的Carrie Fisher呀

Agnes Tse 說...

論樣貌, Carrie Fisher不及媽媽Debbie Reynolds, 她在"飛越古怪屋" ('Burbs) 飾演Tom Hanks妻子, 樣子老得很快. 她轉型當了編劇, 成為劇本救星, 據聞不少幾乎斷尾的電影劇本都是靠Carrie Fisher救回來的.

SATC其中一集講Carrie Bradshaw到LA玩, 竟然在Carrie Fisher家中與男人親熱, 剛巧Carrie Fisher (粉墨登場) 回到撞到正, CBw尷尬地講: "你是寫東西的, 我也是寫東西的..." 最後Carrie Fisher趕走了CB.

Donald Kwan 說...



匿名 說...

一見到Maggie Gyllenhaal,我就諗起Kristen Dunst,又係好多人係咁話佢地又醜又老,唔配做女主角之類

其實我完全唔覺得佢地醜樣,反而覺得佢地有性格有味道,而且我都幾鍾意睇Kristen Dunst d戲(不過最鍾意反而係佢做配角o既"無痛失戀")

shangri_la 說...

Carrie Fisher aged badly because of years of substance abuse and alcoholism, attributed partly by her messed up childhood that basically spent on the gossip columnist: Her mom Debbie Reynolds and Elizabeth Taylor *were* pals because they were both starlets at MGM during the late 40s. When Elizabeth married her (third) husband Michael Todd in 1957, Debbie and her then husband Eddie Fisher were the bridesmaid and best man. When Michael Todd died on a plane crash a year later, naturally Debbie and Eddie came to the grief-stricken Elizabeth’s rescue. Turn out Eddie Fisher was working overtime in comforting the newly widowed – he ended up moving in with Elizabeth and divorcing Debbie when Carrie was three year old, thus started a rift between Elizabeth and Debbie that was not reconciled until 2003. You can check out Meryl Streep’s movie “Postcards from the Edge”, which is scripted by Carrie Fisher and based on her own thinly disguised semi-autobiography that detailed her struggle against addiction and her stormy relationship with her mother.

By the way, Eddie Fisher obviously was only a rebound guy for Elizabeth Taylor from the death of her husband. Soon after they were married, Elizabeth met Richard Burton when he co-starred in her movie” Cleopatra”. They started a VERY public passionate affair that kept the press busy for months. “Cleopatra” as a movie was a bore, it is remembered today mostly because of juicy backstory of Fisher-Taylor-Burton love triangle. The Jennifer Aniston-Brad Pitts-Angelina Jolie fiasco is nothing compared with them.

Agnes Tse 說...

Carrie Fisher的職種叫Script Doctor. 但好像都沒有credits. wiki提供她救回的電影包括Hook, Lethal Weapon 3, The River Wild等. 紀錄片Dreams on Spec 訪問了一批編劇, 包括Carrie Fisher怎樣替史匹堡的影片改對白.

Donald Kwan 說...


YEAH, 終於有知音啦!!

Donald Kwan 說...

shangri la:

Elizabeth Taylor啲戀情都真係好混亂下...

Donald Kwan 說...


哦...Script Doctor... 雖然佢救返啲劇本, 又真係唔可以叫高質素的劇本....

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