
Oscar 2008: 合資格的12部最佳動畫


"Alvin and the Chipmunks"
"Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters"
"Bee Movie"
"Meet the Robinsons"
"Shrek the Third"
"The Simpsons Movie"
"Surf's Up"

因合資格動畫作品不夠16部, 據大會規則能獲提名入圍的只會有3部(若夠16部, 提名會增至5個)......

我想, 那3部應是《五星級大鼠》vs《阿森一族大電影》vs《我在伊朗長大》....

1 則留言:

匿名 說...

nice poster u made ^V^ i like those 3 movie and i love movie ^V^ thank for your's sharing~

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