
新007:Daniel Craig Shines!

今集007《Casino Royale》動作場面依例緊張刺激, 只嫌中間出現數次不必要過長的文戲, Eva Green演出討好但不十分突出, 主題曲沒有以往的有型有款, 劇情轉折但沒有驚喜犯駁亦很多, 但我仍認為《Casino Royale》是十分值得進電影院看的。原因只有一個, Daniel Craig。

單看Daniel Craig樣子其實真的不算吸引, 而且起初還覺他有點秃點阿叔feel, 拍過的電影較有名的有《Elizabeth》(1998)、《Lara Croft: Tomb Raider》(2001)、《The Jacket》(2005)、《Munich》(2005)等等, 但想爆腦筋也想不起他是演哪一個角色(據聞他在《Enduring Love》及《Sylvia》演技非常出眾, 可情我還未有機會看)。直至看了《Casino Royale》的預告片後, 才對他180度改觀, 原來是大隻型男, 還加上身手非凡。

看完電影後, 我對他的感覺更深。跟以往的不同, 今集James Bond明顯地賣的不是風流公子形象, Daniel Craig的是拳拳到肉硬漢子, 人情味濃厚的有情郎一名。

從1962年《Dr. No》的Ursula Andress至2002年《Die Another Day》的Halle Berry, 40年間從海中穿著泳衣步上沙灘只會是性感的邦女郎們, 今時今日風水輪流傳, 邦女郎最盡也是露背晚裝, 奪水而出的是穿著泳褲的James Bond

Daniel Craig在身型上先聲奪人, 動作場面沒有欺場, 再加上感情線加重, 角色可發揮機會比以住的大, 在感情戲份方面Daniel Craig亦演得手到拿來。

綜合各方面, 個人認為第六代的新鐡金剛個人魅力已足以超越過往的四代(George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan), 跟第一代無敵Sean Connery平起平坐。

Daniel Craig, 必定會入選個人的本年度Entertainer of the Year Top 10(12月31日發表)。 新一代Action Hero誕生, 非常期待他在2008年的《Bond 22》。

2 則留言:

shangri_la 說...

In "Elizabeth", Daniel Craig played the consul sent by the Pope to disrupt Queen Elizabeth's reign, the one Walsingham had him hanged upside down in order to torture him in admitting his murdering plot. I am surprised you didn't notice that since you considered "Elizabeth" one of the best movies of that year. In additions, Daniel Craig also played the son of Paul Newman in "The Road To Perdition", the one who is responsible for having Tom Hank's entire family killed

Regarding Mr. Craig's physique, when you are picked to starr in a major Hollywood movie, you are "required" by the Studio to buff up, regardless who they pick to be the next Bond. Just look at Russell Crowe, Guy Pearce... They all look completely different before and after their Hollywood career. But then it is Hollywood, nothing is real and you have to give it to Daniel Day-Lewis, who would rather revert back to his normal self after "The Last Of The Mohicans"

shangri_la 說...

Just one more thing, if you are interested in Daniel Craig, you might want to check out "Love Is The Devil". It is probably remembered as a movie for Derek Jacobi but I think the story might intrigue you too, just check out the plot summary in imdb.

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