
《Star Wars》視覺享受之最

Visual Effects Society最近公佈了50套史上最俱革命性視覺特技效果的電影, 《星球大戰》(1977)當之無愧雄霸稱冠, 《帝國反擊戰》(1980)及《武士復仇》(1983)分別排第11及第46位, Episode I, II, III卻會部落第。

《魔戒三部曲》(2001-2003)三作及新舊《King Kong》(1933, 2005)亦能入圍。迪士尼首部長編動畫《白雪公主》(1937)亦獲青睞, 排行第45位。

以下是名單, 第1、3、4、5、10位認同得不得了!

01.Star Wars 星球大戰(1977)
若不以一整套電影計算, 我想這是自己人生中觀看次數最多的電影。1977年首映(第一次跟父母, 第二次跟舅父及表哥, 第三次跟鄰居的姐姐, 我所知她在戲院看了七次, 可能更多)及1997 Special Edition重映, 我也有進戲院看。再加上無數次的Beta、VHS、LD、VCD、DVD及明珠台播放.....導演George Lucas說拍這電影的靈感來自不同大師前輩的作品, 但相信這電影帶來的, 對來者後浪的影響更廣更大。

02.Blade Runner(1982)
我是長大後才租碟看這電影, 感覺不大, 也不覺視覺效果有啥特別。

03.2001:The Space Odyssey 2001太空漫遊(1968)
2001年地球的科技發展並沒有像電影中所表現到的, 那太空漫遊的境界又確實比人類踏前了很多步。要知道此電影上映時, 比美國人岩士唐首次人類登陸月球還要走得更前。
自己看了3次才能基本掌握這電影所說的寓意, 但相信每看多一遍又會領略更多。

04.The Matrix 22世紀殺人網絡(1999)
可能中國人看K先生大耍功夫會笑出來, 但整個故事的概念、360度環迴定格旋轉、慢鏡子彈橫飛, 一切一切也革命性地酷得不得了。這電影也從不同媒體看了10次以上。

05.Jurassic Park 侏羅紀公園(1993)
戲院3次, 透過LD及DVD也忘記了觀看次數。史前生物的復活, 電影特技從此不一樣。

06.Tron 電子世界爭霸戰(1982)
其實我沒有看過這電影, 只記得螢光綠黃藍紅......

07.King Kong 金剛(1933)
看過2005年Naomi Watts與King Kong生死戀後才找回33年經典作來欣賞。當然不能以現代水準看70年前的特技, 但我還是喜歡新版多一點, 愛得轟轟烈烈。

08.Close Encounters of the Third Kind 第三類接觸(1977)
對Steven Speilberg的這套經典作也沒有多大感覺。

09.Alien 異形(1979)
太多集, 不大記得第一集說什麼....

10.The Abyss 深淵(1989)
那外星人化作的人面水柱!《Terminator 2》也是後繼之秀!


3 則留言:

shangri_la 說...

> 02.Blade Runner(1982)
>我是長大後才租碟看這電影, 感覺不大, 也不

It is important to understand how the F/X "enhanced" the movie and its story-telling in order to appreciate the special effect. I know few people in HK have even heard of "Blade Runner" but it has been one of the most monumental cult movies in the English speaking world and the visual effect no doubt has a lot to do with it. I would try forwarding you an article on the movie later, maybe you can appreciate this a little more.

>06.Tron 電子世界爭霸戰(1982)
>其實我沒有看過這電影, 只記得螢光綠黃藍
>08.Close Encounters of the Third
>Kind 第三類接觸(1977) 對Steven

Both movies are revolutionary because they are reflection of their times. It might be hard for you to comprehend their impact when you didn't live through the times but UFO ("Close Encounter Of The Third Kind") has been the cause célèbre of the 70s while video games ("Tron") have been a popular culture pheonom in the 80s, much like the way wiring stunt ("Matrix") has changed our way of cinematic experience in 2000s.

>07.King Kong 金剛(1933) 看過2005年
>Naomi Watts與King Kong生死戀後才找回
>年前的特技, 但我還是喜歡新版多一點, 愛得

The 2005 version is by no mean a bad movie but the 1933 version is a far and ahead better movie because its multiple levels of meaning (instead of a mere "Beauty and the Beast" love story). For instance, have you ever thought about why the island that Kong lived is called "Skull Island"? Again, I would try to forward you an article on the original movie, I guarantee you that is a great read.

Finally, in case you haven't done so yet, "Metropolis" (No. 12) and "Jason and the Argonauts" (No. 20) are two other movies in the top 50s I would strongly urge you to watch, in a theatre if possible.

Fun 說...

Tron 電子世界爭霸戰..

i really wanted to puke after watching the movie back then ar~~

ho sun fu~~

Donald Kwan 說...


BLADE RUNNER同第三類接觸, 我諗再睇應有另一番感受.

電子世界爭霸戰當年革命性地上映, 但全球票房大敗, 依家ROTTENTOMATOES.COM都選佢為歷史100大劣片.

我諗你睇得好辛苦, 都有好大人陪你...

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