

由昨晚開始,湯唯"天涯歌女"突然在我心中成為名曲, 在腦中久久揮之不去。(DK日誌:終於來了)

Youtube裡找到兩個昔日曾在電影出現的演出版本, 一個1937年周璇主演的《馬路天使》, 另一個是1944年李香蘭唱的。

中國老電影不大認識, 也不知道"天涯歌女"首次出現於在這個世界上的, 是否就是周璇在《馬路天使》唱的版本。

兩者也跟湯唯(hottie of the day)在《色‧戒》(觀後感)的風調不同, 也許不一樣的心情不一樣的意境, 雖是同一首歌曲, 三個版本帶來的感覺亦很不一樣。

周璇 1937年

李香蘭 1944年

Hottie of the day: 湯唯 Tang Wei
威尼斯金獅獎, ANG LEE AGAIN !

6 則留言:

shangri_la 說...

I've watched Street Angel 《馬路天使》years ago in Hong Kong. If I remember correctly, 周璇 actually sang "天涯歌女" twice in the movie. The clip in YouTube is at the beginning of the movie when 周璇 and 趙丹 were flirting with one another, the tune was lot more playful. She sang it again at the brothel later, which was lot of more sad and sentimental. However, I must say that the one that struck me the most in 《馬路天使》was 趙慧深, who played the tragic streetwalker sister of 周璇. She has practically no dialogue in the movie but her presence was almost frightening. Street Angel, together with another old Chinese classic Twin Sisters《姊妹花》, has just been released recently in US in DVD. I am looking forward to the day when the local library will carry it.

Donald Kwan 說...


本來看了"天涯歌女"片段, 已很想看這部"馬路天使", 經你介紹之後, 決定明天去找找看, 香港也應會找得著吧.

P.S. 你真的很厲害, 什麼舊片也看過.. :D

john 說...



shangri_la 說...

>Donald Kwan said...
> P.S. 你真的很厲害, 什麼舊片也看過.. :D

I know it is nerdy but I must confess that I’m more or less an old movies buff, particularly black and white movies :-). Even though I watch all kind, I find it easier to get into the mood when I watch old movies. Besides you get a more unbiased opinion without all those hypes

Speaking of old movie, check out “Letter from an Unknown Woman”. I can’t tell you how thrilled I was when I saw that DVD in Hong Kong a few years ago (there is no US DVD available), better yet the cover said it included commentary from Martin Scorsese. I was really tempted to buy it at the time but I had to let it go when I found out it is not a region 1 DVD

Adapted from a short story of Stefan Zweig, “Letter from an Unknown Woman” is made by the stylish German director Max Ophüls during his brief foray in Hollywood. His movies have a distinctive Continental flavor and it is probably because of that “Letter from an Unknown Woman” is actually better regarded in Europe than in U.S., despite being an American production. The DVD in Hong Kong is likely made from a French bootleg because the title on the cover is actually in French (“Lettre d’une inconnue”)

shangri_la 說...

Oh one more thing, "Letter from an Unknown Woman" has been remade into a Chinese movie called《一個陌生女人的來信》 three years ago by the mainland Chinese actress 徐靜蕾, starring herself and 姜文. I still haven't got time to watch that yet but one day I will

Donald Kwan 說...




《一個陌生女人的來信》?前幾日行簡體字書店好像曾見過DVD, 下次買來看看耶!

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