
Natasha Richardson (1963-2009)

第一次看Natasha Richardson是1990年一部也甚悶的電影《The Handmaid's Tale》...... 電影真的不太好, 但Natasha Richardson的名字卻給我留下了印象。至於最深印象的角色是她在Lindsay Lohan成名作《The Parent Trap》中的孖女媽媽......查imdb, 原來自己也看過她演出的《Nell》(1995)及《Evening》(2007)的演出, 不過也曾忘記了。

父母親是曾獲得奧斯卡最佳導演的Tony Richardson(Tom Jones, 1963)及最佳女配角得主Vanessa Redgrave(Julia, 1977), 丈夫是Liam Neeson。

她在百老匯舞台劇界比電影界還吃香, 曾憑「Caberet」獲得東尼獎最佳女主角, 還演出過「A Streetcar Named Desire」慧雲李的經典角色Blanche DuBois......

再見, 好好休息。

4 則留言:

mad dog 說...

仲有母親係好出名嘅Vanessa Redgrave(Evening中都係佢母親), 同演Nip Tuck嘅妹妹Joely RIchardson.

shangri_la 說...

Not to be nitpicky but it should be V*a*nessa Redgrave, English speakers can be very touchy when it comes to how their names should be spelled and pronounced.

While Vanessa is no doubt the most famous one of her family and both her parents are Oscar winners, but what gave Natasha (and even Vanessa herself) a head start was her maternal grand father Michael Redgrave. Together with Laurence Olivier, Ralph Richardson and John Gielgud, Michael Redgrave was part of a stellar generation of British stage actors. As their family continued to spawn out acting talents, the Redgrave dynasty has grown to mythical proportion. When I was visiting the Theatre Museum in London in 2004, there was a section just dedicated to their family

Donald Kwan 說...

Mad Dog,


Donald Kwan 說...


謝謝提點, 已改了, thx.

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