
《The Other Boleyn Girl 華麗孽緣》: 爭佬爭出禍

根據講鏟片Ryan說這部《The Other Boleyn Girl 華麗孽緣》在香港的平均入座率不俗, 上映第二周還會加院放映。靚人+靚人+靚人+靚衫靚景+宮廷勾心鬥角女人爭佬爭寵...... 在卡士及題材上吸引不少女性觀眾進場實屬正常, 再加上兩個女人便是女王伊利莎伯一世的阿媽跟阿姨, 又有另一層面的吸引力。

Natalie PortmanScarlett Johansson兩大美人分飾Boleyn的兩姐妹。姐姐Anne老媒深算, 妹妹Mary自入宮後也學懂了深宮生存之道。

兩姐妹的恩恩怨怨來來往往描寫得有趣亦曲折, 由Mary被迫獻身至Anne的絶地反擊, Mary的離宮至Anne的沉淪, 皇宮的被廢及新皇后的冊封...... 東窗事發, 美人原來可以禍及江山。

由於角色的發揮空間, Natalie Portman相對是演得較出色。怨恨、憤慨、狡猾、絶望...... 也算不錯。

Scarlett Johansson演的妹妹本是追求簡單的快樂, 卻要面對一幕又一幕殘酷的現實。Scar Jo也ok, 但我還是喜歡她演《Match Point》中那類美艷充滿自信的角色。

大隻佬Eric Bana演英王享利八世...... 跟歷史上真實的享利八世樣貌上相似與否沒有考究, 但若是英俊如此, 沒有江山大權在手還是魅力非凡, 被眾女所爭也非常有說服力。

飾演Boleyn家弟弟George的Jim Sturgess, 正是《Across the Universe》的男主角...... 在電影中慘被禍及; 母親由Kristen Scott Thomas演出, 久別了, 又覺她也老了。

總括來說, 電影不算出色, 但峰迴路轉的情節也令人屢次意想不到, 看完《The Other Boleyn Girl 華麗孽緣》後再看《Elizabeth》I及II, 可以串連成一部宮廷史詩式跨代連續劇。

《The Other Boleyn Girl 華麗孽緣》總評分


Ben: 與其話紅顏禍水 - 華麗孽緣 The Other Boleyn Girl
4res: 《華麗孽緣》:劇本演員皆出色的宮廷爭寵遊戲

10 則留言:

Agnes Tse 說...

Henry VIII邊有Eric Bana咁型, 佢本人係大舊衰一名, overweight肥佬.

Natalie Portman件綠色裙令我想起Keira Knightley在Atonement的綠色晚禮服, 隻色好靚.

shangri_la 說...

> Agnes Tse 艾麗絲謝 提到...
> Henry VIII邊有Eric Bana咁型, 佢本
> 人係大舊衰一名, overweight肥佬.

While it was true that Henry VIII was obese in his later years, in his youth (which is when this movie took place), however, he was an very active man and very skilled in wrestling. In the Alexander Korda classic "The Private Life of Henry VIII", there was scene where the aged Henry VIII going all out on a wrestling match just to show the court that he still had "it".

Of course whether he looked like Eric Bana is a different matter

Agnes Tse 說...

如有錯誤, 謝謝指正.

Eric Bana都可謂演Henry VIII的演員之中最有型的一位.

Henry VIII的情史十分精彩, 豈是"金枝慾孽"四個字可以蓋括: 娶"嫂"為妻、殺了兩個老婆、趕走一個"哎也"老婆. 聖公會出現都多得他~

Donald Kwan 說...


Eric Bana都可謂演Henry VIII的演員之中最有型的一位---->係呀, 我睇返192幾3幾年那部"The Private Life of Henry VIII", 個演員同我網上search真實亨利八世那幅相好鬼似, 都係大肥佬嚟....

睇返維基百科, 佢原來有6個老婆, ANNE只係第二個, 後仲有好多來者....

Donald Kwan 說...



Agnes Tse 說...

亨利八世一家真係"笠笠亂". 唔知佢係咪做得陰質事多, 唯一香燈Edward未成年就患肺癆去世. 大女係Bloody Mary, 頂承老豆嗜殺傳統. 細女Elizabeth I, 唔駛多講喇.

最騎呢係第三任老婆Jane Seymour哥哥Thomas Seymour, 後來娶左亨利八世寡妻Catherine Parr, 但私底下接近當時未做女王既Elizabeth. Parr同Seymour想藉操控Elizabeth攝政, 最後Parr難產身亡, Seymour腦袋搬家.

shangri_la 說...

> Donald Kwan 提到...
> 睇返維基百科, 佢原來有6個老婆, ANNE只係
> 第二個, 後仲有好多來者....

That's right, and two of them (Anne Boleyn and her cousin Catherine Howard) he beheaded too. In additions to his six wives, Henry VIII is the most colourful and significant monarch of England because he forever changed the course of English history: through his controversial divorces, England broke tie with the Pope and started hundred (and often bloody) years of conflict between The Protestants and Roman Catholics. If you love the movie "Elizabeth", you should read a little about Henry VIII, that would make you appreciate the movie even more.

>Agnes Tse 艾麗絲謝 提到...
> 亨利八世一家真係"笠笠亂".

Well since we are all in the mood for a little English history, I might also throw in my favorite chapter during these turbulent period: Lady Jane Grey who, in between Edward VI and Mary, was the Queen of England for all but nine days. Her ascend to the throne and subsequent sacrifice was the result of the power struggle between Protestant and Roman Catholic in the Tudor court. Sadly Jane actually took no part of it and she will always remembered as a tragic victim of history.

You might want to check out Helena Bonham Carter's debut movie "Lady Jane", it was a romanticized account Jane Grey's sad story. While the movie was not historically correct (Jane Grey and Guilford Dudley never fell in love with each other) it does make for a good romantic romp, and with a heartbreaking ending to boast.

When I was visiting Towers of London in 2005, I was hoping to visit the cell that housed Jane Grey when she was imprisoned. Unfortunately it was closed to visitors when I was there.

CH Mak 說...

喜歡恩怨情仇、喜歡姐妹相殘、喜歡峰回路轉、喜歡像"Elizabeth"及"Elizabeth: Golden Age"的pre-prequel、喜歡非常hunky的Henry VIII(但覺得要他在熒模上脫衣及展示那大隻的身軀好像有點兒過分)。

Donald Kwan 說...

ch mak:

睇嚟eric bana演henry VIII都引起很大迴響喎..HAHA

小臭 說...


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