
《Once》: 回憶總有淺痛的

過去兩星期, 電影BLOG流量最大的單頁檢視是《Once 一奏傾情》的觀後感(連結), 不少朋友感到此電影平凡, 但同時很多人對這段音符美麗、淺痛而短暫的偶遇非常熱中吧。

今早看報紙的專欄, 得知原來二人在海邊, Guy問Girl還愛她的丈夫嗎時, Girl以捷克語回應的那句大家也不明白的話的真意後, 心裡痛了一下。

「不, 我愛你。」

表面上是單向的淡淡然偶遇, 兩棵寂寞的心的有緣無份, 背後卻原來是神女有心理智與感情的角力。

這些淺痛, 份外教人難以忘記。

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4 則留言:

匿名 說...



對不起,感性了 XDD

Donald Kwan 說...


哈哈, 不用對不起... 這些淺痛, 確是教人莫明悲傷呀...

匿名 說...

a very well designed scene... in my opinion... it is kind of like the last scene in Lost in Translation... a kind of release...

P.S. I knew it a few months ago in IMDB. ^^ as.... I have read everything before watching it. hahaha...

CH Mak 說...

I saw this movie last weekend finally, and liked it quite much.

I question whether anybody could be as rational as the female lead.. Yes, I know she has all the history and the family on her shoulders, but how could you keep your head so cool when everything about this guy seems so right?! My best friend thinks that's reality, but I just wonder if we could all act this rational in real life.

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