

01. 春光乍洩
(王家衛, 1997)
02. 一個都不能少
(張藝謀, 1999)
03. 牯嶺街少年殺人事件
(楊德昌, 1991)
04. 阿飛正傳
(王家衛, 1990)
05. 新不了情
(爾冬陞, 1993)
06. 92黑玫瑰對黑玫瑰
(劉鎮偉, 1992)
07. 墮落天使
(王家衛, 1995)
08. 滾滾紅塵
09. 喜宴
(李安, 1993)
10. 甜蜜蜜
(陳可辛, 1996)

11. 星願(馬楚成, 1999)
12. 秋菊打官司(張藝謀, 1992)
13. 活著(張藝謀, 1994)
14. 黃飛鴻(徐克, 1991)
15. 重慶森林(王家衛, 1994)
16. 野獸刑警(陳嘉上/林超賢, 1998)
17. 大紅燈籠高高掛(張藝謀, 1991)
18. 飲食男女(李安, 1994)
19. 宋家皇朝(張婉婷, 1997)
20. 去年煙花特別多(陳果, 19978)
21. 細路祥(陳果, 1999)
22. 阮玲玉(關錦鵬, 1992)
23. 好男好女(候孝賢, 1995)
24. 女人四十(許鞍華, 1995)
25. 暗戰(杜琪峰, 1999)
26. 廟街皇后(劉國昌, 1990)
27. 衝鋒隊‧怒火街頭(陳木勝, 1996)
28. 東邪西毒(王家衛, 1994)
29. 陽光燦爛的日子(姜文, 1995)
30. 金枝玉葉(陳可辛, 1994)
31. 鎗火(杜琪峰, 1999)
32. 心動(張艾嘉, 1999)
33. 九一神鵰俠侶(劉鎮偉/元奎, 1991)
34. 籠民(張之亮, 1992)
35. 梁祝(徐克, 1994)
36. 古惑仔情義篇之洪興十三妹(1998)
37. 徵婚啓事(陳國富, 1999)
38. 秦俑(程小東, 1990)
39. 風塵三俠(陳可辛/李志毅, 1993)
40. 方世玉(元奎, 1993)
41. 晚9朝5 (陳德森, 1994)
42. 喋血街頭(吳宇森, 1990)
43. 菊豆(張藝謀, 1990)
44. 西遊記(上下集)(劉鎮偉, 1995)
45. 高度戒備(林嶺東, 1997)
46. 暗戀桃花源(賴聲川, 1992)
47. 記得…香蕉成熟時(趙良駿, 1993)
48. 霸王別姬(陳凱歌, 1993)
49. 3個受傷的警察(趙崇基, 1996)
50. 大內密探零零發(谷德昭, 1996)
51. 笑傲江湖(胡金銓/徐克/程小東/李惠民, 1990)
52. 表姐, 你好嘢!(張堅庭, 1990)
53. 飛虎雄心(陳嘉上, 1994)
54. 倩女幽魂II人間道(程小東, 1990)
55. 跛豪(潘文傑, 1991)
56. 籃風箏(田壯壯, 1994)
57. 無言的山丘(王童, 1994)
58. 愛情萬歲(蔡明亮, 1995)
59. 色情男女(爾冬陞/羅志良, 1996)
60. 南海十三郎(高志森, 1997)
61. 洞(蔡明亮, 1998)
62. 賭聖(劉鎮偉/元奎, 1991)
63. 白髮魔女傳(于仁泰, 1993)
64. 烈火戰車(爾冬陞, 1995)
65. 去吧! 楂Fit人兵團(查傳宜, 1996)
66. 喜劇之王(李力持, 1999)
67. 天若有情(陳木勝, 1990)
68. 黃飛鴻II男兒當自強(徐克, 1992)
69. 紅玫瑰白玫瑰(關錦鵬, 1994)
70. 秦頌(周曉文, 1996)
71. 風雲雄霸天下(劉偉強, 1998)
72. 爆裂刑警(葉偉信, 1999)
73. 客途秋恨(許鞍華, 1990)
74. 笑傲江湖II東方不敗(程小東, 1992)
75. 黃蜂尾後針(鄭丹瑞, 1993)
76. 食神(周星馳/李力持, 1996)
77. 千言萬語(許鞍華, 1999)
78. 愛在黑社會的日子(錢永強, 1993)
79. 非常偵探(方令正, 1994)
80. 四面夏娃(葛民輝/林海峰/甘國亮, 1996)
81. 暗花(游志達, 1998)
82. 天長地久(劉鎮偉, 1993)
83. 新同居時代(張艾嘉/趙良駿, 1994)
84. 婚姻勿語(李志毅, 1991)
85. 誘僧(羅卓瑤, 1993)
86. 一個字頭的誔生(韋家輝, 1997)
87. 半生緣(許鞍華, 1997)
88. 半支煙(葉錦鴻, 1999)
89. 人在紐約(關錦鵬, 1990)
90. 武狀元蘇乞兒(陳嘉上, 1992)
91. 新龍門客棧(李惠民, 1992)
92. 警察故事III超級警察(唐季禮, 1992)
93. 站直囉, 別趴下!(黃建新, 1993)
94. 獨立時代(楊德昌, 1994)
95. 記得香蕉成熟時II初戀情人(馬偉豪, 1994)
96. 女兒紅(謝衍, 1995)
97. 飛虎(陳嘉上, 1996)
98. 我愛廚房(嚴浩, 1997)
99. 審死官(杜琪峰, 1992)
100. 邊走邊唱(陳凱歌, 1993)



1.Brokeback Mountain
一編短短的故事, 兩個人的一生, 平淡而帶著無限遺憾。Heath Ledger的performace絶對是2000年以來荷里活的一個最佳演出, Michelle Williams在戲裡的一舉一動依然留於腦海中抺之不去, 還有那攝人的天與地, 那碎進心靈的結他音符......青春殘酷物語。

天使送的隱形護身符保護了女兒, 保護了爸爸。

我看了這套電影兩次, 第一次看到這一段時嚇得口不合攏, 痛心地哭了出來......第二次在有心理準備下也還是忍不住......

種族歧視是包裝, 人待別人還是應帶著寬容, 帶著信任。每一角色在L.A.街頭所遇上的事件, 每日在世界的每一個角落, 不斷地發生。

3.Match Point
看似很不活地亞倫, 結局卻活地亞倫到不得了。
人要成功, 除了自身努力, 人際關係及技巧, 還要看上天早已替你安排好的命運。
人生, 當然有幸有不幸。
Scarlett Johansson跟Jonathan Rhys Meyers, 魅力沒法擋。

Felicity Huffman, 女扮男扮女, 再加上高難度一流演技, 正!
Kevin Zegers, 青春又美麗, 正!
Dolly Pardon, 主題曲"Travelin' Thru"聽了一次便入腦, 好正!

只是普通一套倫理小品輕喜劇, 劇情上沒有任何特別令人驚喜之處, 但是離開戲院時暖心非常。

5.Superman Returns
導演Brian Singer帶給我們人性到不得了的Superman。整體感覺非常良好。
外型上像透了基斯杜化李夫的Brandon Routh, 演繹Superman跟Clake Kent這兩個身份火喉恰到好處, 完全推翻了我進電影院前所得到的“大隻靚仔一個”的First Image。

絕對不要以期望看娛樂大片的心態去看, 因這套Superman基本上是一齣Drama, 再陪以劇情所需的特技。電影拍攝本該如此吧。


My Own Private 90's Best Actresses

1 Jodie Foster
(The Silence of the Lambs/Nell/Contact/Sommersby/Little Man Tate/Anna and the King)
2 Emma Thompson
(Howards End/The Remains of the Day/Sense & Sensibility/Much Ado About Nothing)
3 Meryl Streep
(Bridges of Madison County/The House of the Spirits/One Ture Thing/Postcard from the Edge/Music of the Heart)
4 Kate Winslet
(Titanic/Sense & Sensibility/Jude/Hamlet/Heavenly Creatures)
5 Michelle Pfeiffer
(Batman Returns/Dangerous Mind/Love Field/Up Close and Personal/The Age of Innocence)
6 Cate Blanchett
(Elizabeth/The Talented Mr. Ripley/An Ideal Husband)
7 Susan Saradon
(Dead Man Walking/Lorenzo's Oil/Thelma & Louise/Stepmom/The Client)
8 Gwyneth Paltrow
(Shakespeare in Love/Sliding Doors/Emma/A Perfect Murder/The Talented Mr. Ripley)
9 Holly Hunter
(The Piano/The Firm/Home for the Holidays)
10 Annette Bening
(American Beauty/Bugsy/The Grifters/The American President)
11 Julianne Moore
(The End of an Affair/Magnolia/Boogie Nights/An Ideal Husband)
12 Juliette Binoche
(Les amants du Pont Neuf/Trois couleurs: Bleu/The English Patient)
13 Julia Roberts
(Pretty Woman/ My Best Friend's Wedding/Notting Hill/Stepmom/Dying Young)
14 Judi Dench
(Mrs. Brown/Shakespeare in Love/The World is Not Enough)
15 Kathy Bates
(Misery/Dolores Claibone/Primary Colors/Fried Green Tomatoes)
16 Jessica Lange
(Blue Sky/Rob Roy/Cape Fear)
17 Toni Collette
(Muriel's Wedding/The Sixth Sense/Velvet Goldmine)
18 Winona Ryder
(Little Women/The House of the Spirits/The Age of Innocence/Mermaids/Reality Bites)
19 Geena Davis
(Thelma and Louise/A League of Their Own/Accidental Hero/Angie)
20 Isabelle Adjani
(Camille Claudel)
21 Meg Ryan
(Sleepless in Seattle/When a Man Loves a Woman/You/ve Got Mail/Courage Under Fire)
22 中山美穗
(Love Letter/東京日和)
23 Anjelica Houston
(The Addams Family/The Grifters/Everafter/Buffalo'66)
24 Cameron Diaz
(There's Something About Mary/Being John Malkovich/My Best Friend's Wedding/The Mask)
25 Diane Keaton
(Marvin's Room/Manhatten Murder Mystery/The First Wife Club)
26 Natalie Portman
(Leon/Anywhere But Here/SW I The Phathom Menace)
27 Uma Thurman
(Pulp Fiction/Jennifer 8/Gattaca)
28 Francis McDormand
29 Shirley MacLaine
(The Evening Star/Postcard from the Edge)
30 Sharon Stone
(Basic Instinct/Casino/Sliver)
31 Joan Allen
(Face Off/The Crucible/Nixon/The Ice Storm/Pleasantville)
32 Miranda Richardson
(The Crying Game/Damage/Tom & Viv)
33 Kristin Scott Thomas
(The Englisht Patient/The Horse Whisperer/Four Weddings)
34 Helena Bonham-Carter
(Wings of the Dove/Fight Club/Howards End)
35 Catherine Deneuve
36 Nicole Kidman
( Eyes Wide Shut/To Die For)
37 Emily Watson
(Breaking the Waves/Hilary & Jackie)
38 Brenda Blethyn
(Secrets and Lies/Little Voice)
39 Christina Ricci
(Opposite of Sex/Buffalo' 66/Addams Family Values/The Ice Storm)
40 Helen Hunt
(As Good As It Gets/Twister)
41 Whoopi Goldberg
(Sister Act/Ghost)
42 Victoria April
(Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!/Kika)
43 Bette Midler
(For the Boys/The First Wives Club)
44 Juliette Lewis
(Cape Fear/Natural Born Killers)
45 Diane Wiest
(Bullets Over Broadway/Edward Scissorshands)
46 Anna Paquin

(The Piano/Fly Away Home)
47 Julie Delby
(Before Sunrise/Trois couleurs: Blanc)
48 Reese Witherspoon
(Election/Cruel Intensions)
49 Sigourney Weaver
(Alien4/ The Ice Storm/Galaxy Quest)
50 Rachel Griffiths
(Muriel's Wedding/Hilary and Jackie)

My Own Private 90's Best Actors

1 .Tom Hanks
Forrest Gump/Philadelphia/Saving Private Ryan/Sleepless in Seattle/A League of Their Own
2 .Anthony Hopkins
The Silence of the Lambs/The Remains of the Day/Nixon/Amistad/Howards End
3 .Jack Nicholson
As Good As It Gets/A Few Good Men/Hoffa/Wolf
4 .Daniel Day Lewis
In the Name of the Father/The Boxer/The Last of Mohicans/The Crucible/The Age of Innocence
5 .Edward Norton
Fight Club/Primal Fear/American History X/The People VS. Larry Flint
6 .Geoffrey Rush
Shine/Shakespeare in Love/Elizabeth/Les miserables
7 .Robin Williams
The Fisher King/Aladdin/Good Will Hunting/Awakenings/Mrs. Doubtfire
8 .Billy Bob Thorton
Sling Blade/A Simple Plan/Amargeddon
9 .Al Pacino
Scent of a Woman/The Insider/The Godfather Part III/Dick Tracy/ Heat
10 .Leonardo DiCaprio
Romeo + Juliet/Titanic/Total Eclipse/What's Eating Gilbert Grape/The Basketball Diaries
11 .Kevin Spacey
American Beauty/The Usual Suspects/Se7en/The Negotiator/L.A. Confidential
12 .Russell Crowe
The Insider/L.A. Confidential
13 .Jude Law
The Talented Mr. Ripley/Gattaca
14 .Robert de Niro
Caper Fear/Goodfellas/Casino/Jackie Brown
15 .Nicholas Cage
Face Off/Leaving Las Vegas/Wild at Heart/Honeymoon in Vegas/City of Angels
16 .Matt Damon
Good Will Hunting/The Talented Mr. Ripley/The Rainmaker
17 .Sean Penn
Dead Man Walking/Calito's Way/The Thin Red Line
18 .Brad Pitt
Fight Club/Se7en/12 Monkeys/Legends of the Fall/Kalifornia
19 .Jim Carrey
The Truman Show/Man on the Moon/The Mask
20 .Denzel Washington
Malcolm X/The Hurricane/Philadelphia
21 .Ewan McGregor
Trainspotting/Little Voice/Velvet Goldmine
22 .役所広司
Shall Weダンス?/うなぎ
23 .Jean Paul Belmondo
Les Miserables
24 .Ralph Fiennes
The English Patient/Schindler's List/Quiz Show
25 .Ian McKellen
God and Monsters/Apt Pupil/Richard III
26 .Antonio Banderas
Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!/Evita/The Mambo Kings/The Mask of Zorro
27 .Nick Nolte
The Prince of Tides/Affliction/Cape Fear/ The Thin Red Line
28 .Joe Pesci
Goodfellas/Home Alone/My Cousin Vinny/JFK
29 .Morgan Freeman
Se7en/Shawshank Redemtion
30 .Gary Oldman
Bram Stocker's Dracula/Leon: The Professional/Immortal BelovedJFK
31 .Haley Joel Osment
The Sixth Sense
32 .Samuel L. Jackson
Pulp Fiction/A Time to Kill/Jackie Brown
33 .Jean Reno
Leon: The Professional
34 .Warren Beatty
Bugsy/Dick Tracy
35 .Michael Caine
Little Voice/The Cider House Rules
36 .Dustin Hoffman
Accidental Hero/Wag the Dog/Hook
37 .Tommy Lee Jones
The Fugitive/JFK/Natural Born Killers
38 .River Phoenix
My Own Private Idaho
39 .Ethan Hawke
Gattaca/Before Sunrise/Great Expectation
40 .Tom Cruise
Jerry Maquire/Magnolia/A Few Good Men
41 .Rupert Everret
My Best Friend's Wedding/An Ideal Husband
42 .Harvey Keitel
The Piano/Bugsy
43 .Pete Postlethwaite
In the Name of the Father/Brassed Off!/Romeo + Juliet
44 .John Travolta
Pulp Fiction/Face Off/Primary Colors/Get Shorty
45 .Gerard Depardieu
Cyrano de Bergerac/Green Card
46 .Macaulay Culkin
Home Alone/My Girl
47 .竹中直人
Shall Weダンス?
48 .Jeremy Irons
The House of the Spirits/Reversal of Fortune/Damage
49 .Johnny Depp
Ed Wood/ Edward Scissorshands/What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
50 .Andy Garcia
When a Man Loves a Woman/The Godfather III/Accidental Hero

90's 外語電影‧主要分類TOP10

Best Director
01. Steven Speilberg(Schinder's List/Saving Private Ryan/Jurassic Park/Amistad)
02. James Cameron(Titanic/Terminator 2/True Lies)
03. Tim Burton(Batman Returns/Ed Wood/Edward Scissorshands/Mars Attacks)
04. David Fincher(Fight Club/Se7en/The Game)
05. Quentin Tarantino(Pulp Fiction/Reservoir Dogs/Jackie Brown/From Dusk Till Dawn)
06. Oliver Stone(JFK/Natural Born Killers/U-Turn)
07. Krzystor Kieslowski(Red/The Double Life of Veronica/Blue/White)
08. Marin Scorsese(Goodfellas/Cape Fear/Casino)
09. Luc Besson(Leon/The Fifth Element/Nikita)
10. Jane Campion(The Piano/The Protrait of a Lady)

Best Original Screenplay
01.Pulp Fiction(1994)
02.Shakespeare in Love(1998)
03.The Piano(1993)
04.Good Will Hunting(1997)
05.Grand Canyon(1991)

Best Adapted Screenplay
01.Fight Club(1999)
02.Les miserables(1995)
03.The Silence of the Lambs(1991)
04.Schindler's List(1993)
05.Sense and Sensibility(1995)

Best Creative Story
01.Being John Malkovich(1999)
02.The Truman Show(1998)
03.The Crying Game(1992)
04.Toy Story(1995)
05.The Matrix(1999)

Best Performance by an Actor in Leading Role
1.Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump(1994)
2.Anthony Hopkins in The Silence of the Lambs(1991)
3.Edward Norton in Fight Club(1999)
4.Russell Crowe in The Insider(1999)
5.Daniel Day Lewis in In the Name of the Father(1993)

Best Performance by an Actress in Leading Role
1.Jodie Foster in The Silence of the Lambs(1991)
2.Cate Blanchett in Elizabeth(1998)
3.Holly Hunter in The Piano(1993)
4.Michelle Pfeiffer in Batman Returns(1992)
5.Juliette Binoche in Les amants du Pont Neuf(1991)

Best Performance by an Actor in Supporting Role
1.Martin Landau in Ed Wood(1994)
2.Jude Law in The Talented Mr. Ripley(1999)
3.Ralph Finnes in Schindler's List(1993)
4.Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men(1992)
5.竹中直人 in Shall We Dance?(1995)

Best Performance by an Actress in Leading Role
1.Daine Weist in Bullets Over Broadway(1994)
2.Toni Collette in The Sixth Sense(1999)
3.Kate Winslet in Sense and Sensibility(1995)
4.Juliette Lewis in Cape Fear(1992)
5.Judi Dench in Shakespeare in Love(1998)

90's 外語電影‧美術分類TOP10

Favorite Art Direction
美術指導:佈景設計, 實景的佈置, 一切大小道具。配合劇情而美煥的程度及其顏色的配搭。
01.Les amants du Pont Neuf(1991)
02.Batman Returns(1992)
03.Dick Tracy(1990)
05.Shakespeare in Love(1999)
07.Schindler's List(1993)
08.Romeo + Juliet(1996)
10.Sleepy Hollow(1999)

Favorite Costume Design
服裝設計:服飾的設計, 雖然古裝片一般會易得分數, 但若設計或配搭有特色, 現代為背景的電影也有機會獲得高分。
01.Bram Stoker's Dracula(1992)
03.Shakespeare in Love(1998)
05.The Age of Innocence(1993)
06.The Advernture of Priscilla, Queen of Desert(1994)
07.Velvet Goldmine(1998)
09.Little Women(1994)
10.The Piano(1993)

Favorite Make Up/Hair Dressing
化妝及髮型:主要是有難度的特技化妝。如扮老, 扮醜, 扮怪物, 扮外星人, 扮企鵝, 扮伊利莎伯女皇.......
01.Ed Wood(1994)
02.Dick Tracy(1990)
03.Bram Stocker's Dracula(1992)
04.Batman Returns(1992)
06.Terminator 2(1991)
07.Men in Black(1997)
08.Shakespeare in Love(1998)
09.Edward Scissorshands(1990)
10.Les miserables(1995)

Favorite Poster Design
01.The Truman Show(1998)


03.Schindler's List(1993)


05.The Silence of the Lambs(1991)

90's 外語電影‧技術分類TOP10

Favorite Film Editing
剪接:除非是看過導演所拍的菲林及剪接室的工作過程, 單單看電影完成品是不能實際有效地對剪接師的功力作出評價。一般來說只要其場面與場面, 菲林格與菲林格的連繫作評分標準, 所以一些動作大片, 史詩式電影, 戰爭作品會較容易取得高分數。
02.Saving Privat Ryan(1998)
03.The Matrix(1999)
04.The Silence of the Lambs(1991)
06.Schindler's List(1993)
07.Strictly Ballroom(1992)
09.Romeo + Juliet(1996)
10.Leon: The Professional(1994)

Favorite Cinematography
攝影:主要是燈光(或自然光)及黑房技術所帶出來, 鏡頭上的美感。鏡頭調動是導演工作, 不計算;電腦加工的燈光, 不計算。
01.The Piano(1993)
03.Schindler's List(1993)
04.Saving Private Ryan(1998)
05.Les amants du Pont Neuf(1991)
06.Trois colouers: Rouge(1994)
07.Trois colouers: Bleu(1993)
08.Scent of Green Papaya(1993)
09.The Double Life of Veronica(1992)
10.American Beauty(1999)

Favorite Visual Effects
視覺效果:現代的視覺效果差不多全是CG, 另外功夫動作片中的動作設計也算其內。配合劇情與否會是大前提。
01.Jurassic Park(1993)
02.The Matrix(1999)
04.Terminator 2(1991)
05.Death Becomes Her(1992)
06.Forrest Gump(1994)
08.Apollo 13(1995)
10.The Mask(1994)

Favorite Sound Effects Editing
音響效果:爆炸聲, 撞車聲, 腳部聲, 怪獸叫聲, 子彈橫飛聲....etc。
01.Jurassic Park(1993)
02.The Matrix(1999)
04.Saving Privater Ryan(1998)
06.Star Wars Episode I : The Phathom Menace(1999)
07.Apollo 13(1995)
08.True Lies(1994)
10.Terminator 2(1991)

Favorite Sound Mixing
音響:整體音響混音包括...對白, 配樂歌曲, 音響效果等等所有聲音, 所混合在一起的整體聽覺上的感覺。
01.Saving Private Ryan(1998)
03.The Matrix(1999)
05.Mission Impossible(1996)
06.Beauty and the Beast(1991)
07.Jurassic Park(1993)
09.The Rock(1996)

90's 外語電影‧音樂分類TOP10

Favorite Original Film Music(Non-Musical)
01.Schindler's List(1993)
02.The Piano(1993)
04.Trios couleurs: Rouge(1994)
05.Shakespeare in Love(1998)
07.Sense and Sensibility(1995)
08.Il Postino(1995)
09.Life is Beautiful(1998)
10.The Age of Innocence(1993)

Favorite Song Score for a Musical
02.Beauty and the Beast(1991)
04.The Lion King(1994)
05.The Hunchback of Notre Dame(1996)
07.The Commitments(1991)
08.The Nightmare Before X'mas(1993)

Favorite Song(Original Written for a Film)
01."Colors of the Winds" from Pocahontas(1995)
02."Beauty and the Beast" from Beauty and the Beast(1991)
03."A Whole New World" from Aladdin(1992)
04."My Heart Will Go On" from Titanic(1997)
05."Save Me" from Magnolia(1999)
06."Can You Feel The Love Tonight?" form The Lion King(1994)
07."You Must Love Me" from Evita(1996)
08."Circle of Life" from The Lion King(1994)
09."Be Our Guest" from Beauty and the Beast(1991)
10."Sooner or Later(I Always Get My Man)" from Dick Tracy(1990)
11."When She Loved Me" from Toy Story 2(1999)
12."Run to You" from The Bodygurad(1992)
13."Philadelphia" from Philadelphia(1993)
14."Blame Canada" from South Park(1999)
15."Kissing You" from Romeo + Juliet(1996)

Favorite Song (Adapted or Existing Song Well Used in Film)
01."She' from Notting Hill(1999)
02."I Will Always Love You" from The Bodyguard(1992)
03."Love is All Around" from Four Weddings and a Funeral(1994)
04."Best of My Love" from Boogie Nights(1997)
05."The Crying Game" from The Crying Game(1992)
06."Cheek to Cheek" from Les miserables(1995)
07."Country Road" from 耳をすませば(夢幻街少女, 1995)
08."Vensu As a Boy" from Leon(1994)
09."Try a Little Tenderless' form The Commitments(1991)
10."Blue Moon" from The Remains of the Day(1993)

Favorite Original Soundtrack
01.Pulp Fiction(1995)
03.Boogie Nights(1997)
04.Beauty and the Beast(1991)
05.The Mambo Kings(1992)
07.Fight Club(1999)
09.Sleepless in Seattle(1993)
10.South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut(1999)


90's 外語電影‧My Own Private 90's Best Movies...No.01-100

My Own Private 90's Best Movies

01.Schindler's List
(Steven Speilberg, 1993, USA)

02.Fight Club
(David Fincher, 1999, USA)

03.The Piano
(Jane Campion, 1993, New Zealand/France)

(James Cameron, 1997, USA)

05.Les miserables
(Claude Lelouch, 1995, France)

(Oliver Stone, 1991, USA)

07.The Silence of the Lambs
(Jonathan Demme, 1991, USA)

(Walt Disney's Animation, 1992, USA)

09.Beauty and the Beast
(Walt Disney Animation, 1991, USA)

10.Pulp Fiction
(Quentin Tarantino, 1994, USA)

11.L.A. Confidential
(Curtis Hanson, 1997, USA)

(David Fincher, 1995, USA)

13.Shakespeare in Love
(John Madden, 1998, USA/UK)

14.In the Name of the Father
(Jim Sheridan, 1993, UK)

15.Sense and Sensibility
(Ang Lee, 1995, USA/UK)

16.Trois couleurs: Rouge(Three Colours: Red)
(Krzystof Kieslowski, 1994, France)

(Paul Thomas Anderson, 1999. USA)

18.Love Letter
(岩井俊二, 1995, Japan)

19.Saving Private Ryan
(Steven Speilberg, 1998, USA)

20.The Matrix
(Andy & Larry Warchowskis, 1999, USA)

(Sherhar Kapur, 1998, UK)

22.Batman Returns
(Tim Burton, 1992, USA)

(John Woo, 1997, USA)

24.Boogie Nights
(Paul Thomas Anderson, 1997, USA)

(Martin Scorsese, 1990, USA)

26.American Beauty
(Sam Mendes, 1999, USA)

27.Ed Wood
(Timr Burton, 1994, USA)

28.Forrest Gump
(Robert Zemeckis, 1994, USA)

29.The Sixth Sense
(M. Night Shymalan, 1999, USA)

30.The Crying Game
(Neil Jordan, 1992, Ireland)

31.Cape Fear
(Martin Scorsese, 1991, USA)

32.Leaving Las Vegas
(Mike Figgis, 1995, USA)

33.Leon: The Professional
(Luc Besson, 1994, France)

34.The Prince of Tides
(Barbra Streisand, 1991, USA)

35.The Fisher King
(Terry Gilliam, 1991, USA)

36.The Truman Show
(Peter Weir, 1998, USA)

(Danny Boyle, 1996, UK)

38.Bullets Over Broadway
(Woody Allen, 1994, USA)

39.True Romance
(Tony Scott, 1993, USA)

(Barry Levison, 1990, USA)

41.The Talented Mr. Ripley
(Anthony Minghella, 1999, USA)

42.The Remains of the Day
(James Ivory, 1993, UK)

43.Life is Beautiful
(Roberto Benigni, 1998, Italy)

44.Good Will Hunting
(Gus Van Sant, 1997, USA)

45.Before the Rain
(Micho Manchevski, 1995, Macedonia)

46.Toy Story
(Pixar/Disney's Animation, 1995, USA)

47.The Lion King
(Disney's Animation, 1994, USA)

48.Basic Instinct
(Paul Verhoeven, 1992, USA)

(Alan Parker, 1996, USA)

50.Shall We Dance?
(周防正行, 1995, Japan)

51.The Ususal Suspects
(Brian Singer, 1995, USA)

52.Muriel's Wedding
(P.J. Hogan, 1994, Australia)

53.Apollo 13
(Ron Howard, 1995, USA)

54.Jurassic Park
(Steven Speilberg, 1993, USA)

55.Strictly Ballroom
(Baz Luhrmann, 1992, Australia)

56.Les amants du Pont Neuf
(Leos Carax, 1991, France)

57.The Insider
(Micheal Mann, 1999, USA)

58.A Simple Plan
(Sam Raimi, 1998, USA)

59.As Good As It Gets
(James L. Brooks, 1997, USA)

60.William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet
(Baz Luhrmann, 1996, USA)

61.The English Patient
(Anthony Minghella, 1996,USA)

(Robert Zemeckis,1997,USA)

63.The Hunchback of Notre Dame
(Walt Disney's Animation, 1996, USA)

64.The Shawshank Redemption
(Frank Darabot ,1994, USA)

65.Sleepless in Seattle
(Nora Ephron, 1993, USA)

66.Grand Canyon
(Lawrance Kasdan,1991, USA)

67.Edward Sciccorshands
(Tim Burton, 1990, USA)

68.Thelma & Louise
(Ridley Scott, 1991, USA)

69.Being John Malkovich
(Spike Jonze, 1999, USA)

70.Eyes Wide Shut
(Stanley Kubrick, 1999, USA)

71.Radio Time
(三谷幸喜, 1997, Japan)

72.The Crucible
(Nicholas Hytner,1996,USA)

73.12 Monkeys
(Terry Gilliam, 1995, USA)

74.Heavenly Creatures
(Peter Jackson, 1994, New Zealand)

75.Little Women
(Gillian Armstrong, 1994,USA)

76.Speed(Jan de Bont,1994, USA)

77.Lock, Stock, & Two Smoking Barrels
(Guy Richie, 1998, UK)

(中田秀夫, 1998, Japan)

79.Sliding Doors
(Peter Howitt, 1998, UK)

(Emir Kusturia, 1995, Yogoslavia)

(Andrew Niccol,1997,USA)

(Joel Coen,1996,USA)

83.The Age of Innocence
(Martin Scorsese, 1993, USA)

84.All About My Mother
(Pedro Almodovar, 1999, Spain)

85.Little Voice
(Mark Herman, 1998, UK)

86.Jackie Brown
(Quentin Taratino,1997, USA)

87.The Ice Storm
(Ang Lee, 1997, USA)

(Chris Noolan, 1995, Australia)

89.Quiz Show
(Robert Redford, 1994, USA)

90.Before Sunrise
(Richard Linklater, 1995, USA)

91. Short Cuts
(Robert Altman,1993,USA)

92.Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before X'mas
(Henry Selick,1993,USA)

93.The Player
(Robert Altman, 1992, USA)

94.Accidetal Hero
(Stephen Frears, 1992, USA)

(Jea-PierreJeunet/Marco Caro, 1991, France)

96.Home Alone
(Chris Columbus, 1990, USA)

97.Bram Stocker's Dracula
(Francis Ford Coppola, 1992, USA)

98.The Commitments
(Alan Parker, 1991, UK)

99.Breaking the Waves
(Lars Von Trier, 1996, UK)

100.Notting Hill
(Roger Michell, 1999, UK)


DK 獎項評選準則

"DK電影大獎"及"DK Movie Awards"由1989年開始創辦, 至今18年。"DK電影大獎"的評選對像為華語電影, 而"DK Movie Awards"則是為外語電影而設立。


該年度1月1日至12月31日曾於電影院、藝術中心、電影節上映的電影也會合乎資格。而未曾於電影院上映, 只發行VCD或DVD的則會根據其發售的年度計算。

華語電影的定義為所有中國方言為主要對白的電影, 如普通話、廣東話、台語、上海話、四川話等等, 而以中國小數民族語言如西藏語、蒙古語等為主要對白的, 亦會被計算作華語電影。而一切以非華語作主要對白的電影, 均會被列入外語電影的評選範圍。

由於本人於98年至01年間居住於日本東京, 有少部份電影的上映年份會跟香港的有出入。那段期間電影的上映年度, 我是根據在日本上映的年份計算。

電影太多, 時間及精神永遠不足夠, 很多電影其實我也跟她們緣慳一面, 相信仍有不少滄海遺珠仍浮游在各DVD店裡待我去搜尋。

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